Dhampure White Crystal Sugar (5kg) at ₹219.00
Dhampure White Crystal Sugar is refined without sulphur or other harmful chemicals. And, since the entire manufacturing operation is hands-free, Dhampure White Crystal is 100% pure, hygienic and complies with International Standards. Long ago, sugar was created by allowing sugarcane juice to evaporate, which would leave behind crystallized sugar. Modern sugar is put through a refining process that extracts the juice from sugarcane and then refines it into pure white crystals.
Product highlight:
- Made from superior quality sugarcane.
- Refined, sparkling white and easy to dissolve sugar crystals.
- Sulphur-free refining process ensures Madhur is healthy for consumption.
- Ordinary sugar turns yellow with age.
Health Benefits:
- Double refined sulpherless pure crystals.
- Free from impurities.
- European Union standards.
- Non-acidic.
- Untouched by hands.
- This is a Vegetarian product.