MSG Chyawanprash (1kg) for ₹315
MSG Chyawanprash has more than 40 natural ingredients that protect your body from the cold, cough and fever caused by viruses or weather change and thereby aids in improving the immune system. It consists of powerful herbs and plants which removes toxins from the body and improves digestion. You must serve 1-2 teaspoons per day to stay fit and healthy.
• Consists of – More than 40 natural ingredients
• Quantity – 1 kg
• Container Type – Mason Jar
• Maximum Shelf Life – 3 Years
• Servings – 1-2 teaspoon
• Anti-ageing and antioxidant properties
• Protect the body against infections
• Boost your immunity
• Improves digestion and bad cholesterol
• Relieves stress and pain from the body